The Graduate School of Education and Human Development (GSEHD) at the George Washington University is hosting the second annual fellowship program for education faculty, campus administrators, and DEI officers at college and university-based schools of education, focused on how to recognize, study, and teach antisemitism and foster Jewish inclusion within university-based schools/colleges/departments of education and other educational settings.
This fellowship grows out of a documented and troubling inattention to addressing antisemitism on the American scene via educational efforts. Fellows will be prepared and guided in designing and implementing interventions that place Jews and antisemitism squarely within broader discussions of diversity—in curricula, programming, and experiences—and work toward a more inclusive school and campus climate.
The centerpiece of the fellowship is a four-day summer institute at the George Washington University campus in Washington D.C. The institute brings experts in the Jewish experience, antisemitism, DEI efforts, and educational inclusion, together with the fellows, in an open dialogue on complex and difficult issues. Emerging from this program will be a network of academics committed to change at their respective institutions